You know those problems you don't have money to fix than you pretend nothing is happening, keep going till you have to find a way because the thing became impossible to deal with?
That's what I'm trying to do.
This bedroom that I turned into a studio is full of termites.
I had to take all my books out. Yesterday I've called a man that will get rid of everything that is made of wood.
There are more of these things I need to fix.
Today I've got back the new computer I bought in July, 2008 that came broken. I don't know if it'll help because Brazilian government made a program called "Computers to Everybody" - "Computadores para Todos", hey you up there in Brasília stealing our money!
Nice program, great initiative!
However the computers are an assemblage of junk made by people who don't know how to work, at low costs - our taxes pay for it -and it works just for ten days. Does it cost cheap? No.
Whenever I find myself in this situation there's a whole process:
1 - perplexity - how can it be that they do things like this? Dear Lord! There are people who never had a computer... say what? all this money just to do it? - my mind keeps with those questions for days or months...
2 - I try to find another way...
3 - I prepare myself to act...
4 - number 1,2 and 3 all over again...
5 - exhaustion
6 - perplexity...
7 - I want mummy!
8 - No mummy! Go for it.
I don't know if it's local or a global phenomena but it's getting harder and harder to reach solution to problems of daily life. It's difficult to find people who do a good.
So there I go trying to fix these things...
thinking of you!
Hard day!
2 days ago
"You know those problems you don't have money to fix than you pretend nothing is happening, keep going till you have to find a way because the thing became impossible to deal with?"
The story of my life.
I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes the world just makes me so mad and unhappy. Why is life so difficult?
It seems full of problems, worries, hassle and disaster. Keep pushing, keep trying. You have the energy to do this.
Thinking of you
Dear Ana,
Good luck with exterminating the termites!
Also good luck with your computer!
I think this is likley a global phenomenon. (?) I am also finding it very difficult to find people wanting/caring to do a great job!
(Sometimes people are in jobs they do not care for and/or are not well-trained for, only because they really need an income... of any sort. This may be adding to the problem, due to the current economy? Maybe? I am not sure.)
It's very frustrating to have chronic computer problems, however!
Extra good luck with that!;)
Take care, Ana!
Hopeful Heart
Anonymous Drifter,
Same here. I thought that with time things were going to get better. Nope!
I've cried the whole day because of things that are easy to do. Trying to find energy.
Hopeful Heart,
The new computer is not working. :(
Tomorrow I'll try with a man who is coming to see it.
I'm using my old monitor and the thing is hurting my eyes.
It keeps on blinking.
Terrible day.
I can't see!
Help! This thing is tiny.
Ah that suck! Stupid termites :( Hope it all gets sorted soon hun! *huggles*
Thank you Shiv!
The man has disappear. :(
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