
Friday, April 29, 2011

I cannot access the account to my blog Hella Heaven: Blogger have no help of any kind in any situation

That's the news! I'm having my posts stolen at this blog and now the account with blogs, I just created another one on Wednesday, suffered something I have no idea but Google describes as:

Google Accounts: Unusual activity detected on your account

Because we detected unusual activity on your account, we've disabled it for the time being. In most cases, accounts are disabled because of a perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service or product-specific Terms of Service.
To immediately regain access, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to your account at http://www.google.com/accounts
  2. Enter your phone number and choose how you want to receive a verification code (SMS or voice call)
  3. Click Send verification code to my phone
  4. You may need to wait up to 10 minutes to receive our SMS or voice call. Please do not request another code if the first one has not arrived. Only the most recent code requested will be accepted.
If the above process does not work, you can contact support for further assistance. Note that we will only follow up if we have more information to provide.
Read this article for more information on keeping your account secure.

That is it. When our posts are stolen they say there is nothing they can do it is not a big issue and we look as drama queens.
I believe that or you buy a domain or you have better silence.
I don't think people have the exact dimension of how much work bloggers do. It seems that only those who blog about their work loses something and those who write about their photographies, a picture... no, it is not that important anymore because of digital cameras: the artistic value of photographies lost a little.
It seems that writing, if it is not poetry, No... poetry is easy, you just have to rhyme... a novel,... also easy just tell the story of your neighbor.
If you don't blog about science don't bother. I'm amazed!
I just ask myself when will bloggers have a place to tell their problems and be heard because what is happening, and I read a lot at Google's help, is unacceptable. 
As impunity is certain, those who want to steal, or do whatever they want will keep doing it.
I just feel so stupid with all the work and time I lose to attribute every picture of every drawing.
Copy, paste and don't bother.
Nobody cares! I had pictures stolen too. No problem, take others. 
There is something terrible wrong and I know I'm right! Being ethical is not useless! You will never prove me otherwise.
Okay! I'll start another blog. Hell, Hell, Hell and Heaven occasionally!
No! I don't have a cell phone. I'm not a lawyer or a doctor. I don't need one for I already have a phone at home and that is enough! I have a good mobile taht I use as a clock.  I don't like watches.
Yes, I'm crazy!

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