
Sunday, September 27, 2009

This is what children need, not psych-drugs

The eency weency spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun that dried up all the rain,
And the eency weency spider climbed up the spout again

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Furious Seasons

sun red

I did copy it from Mark at Psych Survivor 2.0 . This is the least I can do to celebrate four years of Furious Seasons, Philip Dawdy's blog, that has inspired me to start this blog as many others. Philip Dawdy is dedicating his life and journalistic career publishing valuable data about the severe harms that psych-drugs are causing and to whom it's more profitable to let things stay the way they are.

I have stopped publishing at this blog because it's too damn hard. It's too sad to write about side effects, withdrawal symptoms and all the harms caused by the drugs. I have spent one year and two months at this blog. I've cried and got angry many times till I had to stop.

I don't think twice in classifying as crime against humanity what these drugs are doing and criminals those who are profiting at the expenses of other people's suffering, those who have any kind of emotional problem and those who haven't but were pushed to any of these pills.

I thank Philip Dawdy for his strength to do such a work and I hope that one day what he is bringing to the attention of a few becomes common knowledge and I know he doesn't work to receive any prize. He works because he cares.

I will take the opportunity to thank all my blog friends that keep on the fight. I'm not blogging but I'm doing my best to spread the word.

I hope you visit me at my other blog and can find something to make you smile. I never forget any of you. You are part of who I am.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evergreening - FDA help in making old drugs get new patents (repost)

"‘Evergreening’ is the term used to describe the process by which the innovator patents trivial modifications of already-existing drugs which, in turn, extends their monopolies beyond the 20-year period granted for the original patent. It is a common practice in the pharmaceutical industry."

This is from The Economic Times. On this article it's explained how Wyeth have received a new patent to their blockbuster antibiotic Zozin that will expire in 2023 just by adding a purifying agent to its molecule.
Three companies, one from India have taken legal action against Wyeth.

"According to USFDA rules, a company is allowed to withdraw a product from the market only for reasons related to safety and efficacy. In case the product is withdrawn from the market, it is subsequently removed from the approved drugs’ reference list, and therefore no pharmaceutical company can market a generic version of this same drug.

"Zosyn is a safe and efficient drug. This is just a move to extend the patent life of the drug and prevent the entry of generic players in the market," K Raghavendra Rao, managing director, Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals, told ET."

FDA response to the Citizen's Petition (CP) filed by Orchid Chemicals in response to accusations of 'evergreening' related to Wyeth's re-formulated Zosyn (piperacillin/tazobactam):

10/30/2006 2006P-0442 Orchid Healthcare/Determine that Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc. discontinued its previously-approved formulation of the Reference Listed Drug Zosyn (piperacillin and tazobactam for injection), 40.5 gram pharmacy bulk via Interim Response 04/23/2007

It's amazing that FDA has so little concern in promoting health and a huge concern with pharmaceutical industries profit.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

David Healy - raising the right questions to promote health

I hope Obama watch it. It's a must see. I'll try to write some excerpts tomorrow.

Thanks Bob Fiddaman for publishing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Donate to Furious Seasons Blog


I have stopped writing at this blog and I'm dedicating more time at the other blog I started to show the bright side of human beings but I never forget this subject and all the friends a have due to this blog.
This subject will always be part of my top priorities.
While I'm taking this time away I kept commenting at Philip Dawdy's Furious Seasons.
As many blog friends I started to blog about mental health after leaving many comments at Philip's blog till I got embarrassed and decided I had to have a blog of my own.
For those who don't know Philip doesn't have any kind of payment for the great work he is doing and has to accept donations at the beginning of every season.
Please, click on the Van Gogh's painting on the top right to go to Furious Seasons not only to read it but to help it keep going.