Sunday, March 29, 2009

Colored Sunday!

Left: Weather Forecast
Current Surface Conditions, March, 29. Any Precip on the way?

Right: Recognize the latest evidence of neurodegeneration associated with cognitive decline in schizophrenia
Release date: October 1, 2007
Termination date: October 31, 2009
Sponsored by AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Lundbeck, Organon, Acadia, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Merck, Pfizer...


  1. I you were within reach at the moment, you would be in Severe danger of being kissed, again and again, on My way to the floor choking in paroxysms of uncontrollable laughter.

    It's unfortunate that we can't post actual Pictures in the comments to each other, ..... So we'll have settle for a LINK to one Because This one is That easy a target.

    These Ideates are propping the Sales Pitch that the DRUGS which CAUSE these brain shrinkages need to be Preemptively induced Into the Brain, ..... to Prevent these shrinkages?

    Jump to the bottom.

    "Dr. Perkins: I recommend indefinite treatment, .....

    For now, if it were my son or daughter, I would have them on a long-term antipsychotic."

    I'd Like to Challenge Dr Perkins to put his Money where his CME is, ..... but you'll notice he's writing about Poisoning his Own Son or Daughter, ..... and Not himself.

    Aside from Who sponsored this page of DREK, that admission says it All.

  2. D Bunker,
    An that was the end of Zeppelin era.:)
    Dr is the one "that receives research support from Janssen; consulting fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb; and compensation for services on the advisory boards as well as honoraria from AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Eli Lilly".
    I see!
    I cannot imagine what Dr Libberman who receives from more labs than him would prescribe to his son.

    Wise words.

  3. Ana;

    This CME BS carpet bombing is Exactly the same anti logic which says that schizophrenics have higher incidences of Diabetes than non-schizophrenics, ..... and then blames it on their schizophrenia, ..... rather than where it Belongs: which is the Psychosis Inducing Antipsychotic Drugs themselves.

  4. D Bunker,
    I'll have to search CME BS carpet bombing. I just remember that there are many theories why it has happened.

  5. Ana, I've already searched those terms, and the most cogent and revelatory, downloadable explanation of them is right HERE.

  6. Wow!
    Have you been on Biederman's house lately?
    Great D. Bunker!
    Thank you.



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