Friday, November 21, 2008

Stop drug ADs

I came across with this petition and decided to post it due to the Abilify TV ad.

Tell Congress: Stop Prescription Drug Ads

Each year, drug executives spend $4 billion on prescription drug ads for pills they say will make you feel happier, sleep better and improve your sex life.

The ads are not educational, and do not promote public health. They can be extremely dangerous, as the Vioxx tragedy shows.

The Public Health Protection Act will stop all direct-to-consumer drug ads. Thirty-nine organizations have endorsed this legislation.

Now we need your help.

Tell your Members of Congress to support the Public Health Protection Act. Take action now.


  1. Dear Ana:

    Do you mind if I copy and paste this information onto my blog!

    Yours Truly,

  2. Stephany,
    I've already asked how can I help.

    Of course I don't mind.
    I feel sorry I cannot sign it because I'm not American.


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